Coyote Starrk


**Classic Flan** **WF Flan** has a really solid base. Eggy, thick, and rich. **FA Custard Premium** fills the holes where it is lacking. **FA Vanilla Bourbon** has the main note for the watery, brown liquid at the bottom with **FLV Caramel** giving more dark sugar flavor. Condensed Milk is usually in flan so **WF Milk (Condensed) is added. The **WF Caramel Butter** is to bright the bottom notes up a little bit and add depth.


FLV Caramel     0.75%FW Sweetener     0.5%FA Bourbon (vanilla Bourbon)     1%FA Custard Premium     2.5%WF Caramel Butter     1.5%WF Flan SC     1.25%WF Milk (Condensed)     1.5%

Total Flavor: 9%