Creamy Strawberry Ice Cream


Shisha Strawberry for the main strawberry note. Strawberry Green to give it a little bit of candy syrup. Shisha Vanilla/Cream to give that satisfying creaminess. It wouldn't be an ice cream without the Ice Cream flavors. Can sub them for the more popular Ice Cream flaves at 2%. I'm a pepper taster so this is what I have to do for my ice cream fix. WS-23 for that coldness of ice cream. Could bump up to 1% as the days get hotter. Also tastes good without. Sweeten to taste, but is perfect for me at .25% I recommend at least 4 days steep for this mix to meld together into something delicious. It's really hard for me to wait that long with this mix, but it's rewarding when I do.


CAP Super Sweet     1%FLV Cream     1%FA Strawberry Green     0.5%INW Shisha Strawberry     1.75%INW Shisha Vanilla     1%OTHR WS-23     1%SSA Ice Cream Vanilla     0.2%TPA Vanilla Swirl     0.65%WF Vanilla Ice Cream SC     1%

Total Flavor: 8.1%