RY4 SchnobiĀ“s Revenge Reloaded
Have a long time the first version vaped. But with the time this became too sweet for me. Have me a few thoughts because of the amount of flavor. It was just too much for me. Also, the tobacco note was too weak.
With this version I have managed to create a new allday.
VAPICON - German DIY eJuice community
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/zgkx7yT
[](https://discord.gg/FuCSeKw "VAPEDIA Discord")Recipe
FLV Kentucky Blend 0.5%FLV Native Tobacco 1%FLV RY4 1.75%INW Biscuit 1%OOO Marshmallow (Vanilla) 0.3%TPA Bavarian Cream 0.75%TPA French Vanilla Deluxe 0.75%Total Flavor: 6.05%