Blue Lips


Very cold, very blue with purple hues. The menthol is barely perceptible as a flavor, but adds the right kind of cold. I made this for a friend, so using what he vapes: Freemax Mesh Pro, Quad coil, 90W. Not sure how this will work out in an actual RDA. SnV worthy, but I advise not to make batches larger than a day supply. It falls apart on day two, and is just not great to me. I just mix a new batch. :D You might have better luck steeping. Idk, I make it and vape the F out of it.


FW Blueberry     3%FW Blue Raspberry     4%FW Grapeberry Ice     5%FW Grape Soda     6%FW Menthol (liquid)     0.25%OTHR WS-23     0.5%

Total Flavor: 18.75%