

Here is an unusual but tasty treat made with easily obtainable flavors. These were inspired by treats, being fortunate to try, from Johannesburg, South Africa. Goulabamoun also known as Gulab Jaman, although associated with India, is very popular in South Africa. Koeksister is a honey/syrup fried dough. Mandazi is a fried beignet it is the African Donut. A few bakeries introduced sweet potatoes. So, taking Elements from these to come up with this tasty, unusual, weird, but nice mix. Enjoy!


CAP Sticky Bun     1.5%CAP Super Sweet     0.75%FA Doughnut Crispy     1.5%WF Deep Fried Sugared Taro     0.75%WF Gulab Jamun     2%WF Taffy (Peanut Butter)     1.5%

Total Flavor: 8%