Nakhla Double Apple


This Recipe is still WIP but is already good enough to share IMO. Nakhla Double Apple is a well known tobacco for the Hookah/Nargileh/Shisha etc, probably one of the more well known brands and flavors, additionally it's used as a base to mix other flavors in like mint and watermelon, I tried it with some mango and it was fantastic! In terms of flavors INW Bahraini Apple Gold - This is the main note, a licorice with some molasses and ripe apple flavor that is the base for the traditional double apple taste, the problem is it's too strong and the anise notes can be overpowering, additionally, while it resembles the flavor, it doesn't emulate the shisha experience and thus isn't a real representation of placing a hot coal on the tombac. FA Black Fire - This is where the black fire comes into play, black fire is a weird flavor which the only way I can describe is "bottled smoke", it smells and tastes like a very peaty whiskey, without the whiskey, if that makes sense, this flavor transforms the overall liquid from a very flat experience to a complex one, it tastes like a coal would as if it was heating the Bahraini Apple Gold, be careful not to overshoot with this one as it can be overpowering, increase by 0.1 if you want to play with it. FA Apple Fuji and Cap Double Apple - A nice addition to the Bahraini main apple note, keep in mind this is more candy like, a baked apple flavor might be a good one to test if you got any in your arsenal. FW Spearmint - a small addition of spearmint brings freshness into the mix, traditionally Double Apple is usually mixed with Mint to add some coldness and complimentary flavor, I don't recommend playing with the percentage on this one. TPA Ethyl Maltol/Marshmallow - Adding some sweetness as well as blending, this packs everything together to a cohesive smooth experience Like I said I'm still working on this profile, so if you can mix it and give me some feedback that would be amazing! Cheers!


CAP Double Apple     1.5%CAP Super Sweet     0.3%FW Spearmint     0.35%FA Apple Fuji     1.5%FA Black Fire     0.35%INW Tobacco Bahraini Apple Gold     2.25%OTHR WS-23     0.5%TPA Ethyl Maltol     0.5%

Total Flavor: 7.25%