Android 18


**Lemon Meringue Pie** I’ll break this down by sections. The meringue is **SSA Whipped Cream** for flavor, **WF Marshmallow (Gooey)** for texture, and **TPA Toasted Marshmallow** for an added *cooked* vibe. The lemon curd is **WF Lemon Squares** because it is sugared lemon curd, **FE Lemon** for sharpness, and **INW Lemon Cake** to add more lemon and help out the overall texture. The crust is **JF Biscuit** for butter, **PUR Cheesecake Graham** for a solid middle layer, and **FW Graham Cracker** for flavor. Sorry if this recipe looks bad. I’m new.


FE Lemon     1.5%FW Graham Cracker     1.25%INW Lemon Cake     2%JF Biscuit     1.25%PUR Cheesecake Graham     2.5%SSA Whipped Cream     1.25%TPA Toasted Marshmallow     1.5%WF Lemon Squares SC     2%WF Marshmallow (Gooey) SC     1%

Total Flavor: 14.25%