Butter rum ice cream


One I keep coming back to!! I find this delicious This is a recipe I make 50ml vape the shit out of it, then make more in a few months same again, the reason I put this is there are so many recipes out there or we do ourselves its hard to keep an ADV, but this is one I remake. Taste buds are unbelievably subjective, so if I make someones recipe I make as is small batch and if worth it remix bigger batch maybe with changes to suit me. As for steep time most of what I make will get at least a month only because i've mixed so many recipes and put in the cabinet it takes that long to get round to it, but I would give this 7 days to mature. I test with either Etheon or Hadly - Alien .28 40w ish , have vaped this alot with mesh Dead Rabbit M lovely flavour also Freemax autopod .25 35w again really good. If you mix hope you enjoy adjust to your taste - And set up


CAP Super Sweet     0.75%FW Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     4%LA Butter Rum     7%WF French Vanilla (Thick)     1%

Total Flavor: 12.75%