Bacco No8 - Peach


Sweet and leafy tobacco base with a peach finish SSA Nectarines is used to boost the peach. Wanted to keep it simple but feel free to add your favorite vanilla/cream/custard flavor for extra layering.As a fruity tobacco you could even add a little sweetener for an extra kick Steep time 7 days (dont vape it between the 3rd-6th day , cause the FLV rebound offnotes are quite noticeable) Tested on a citadel SFC 0.5Ω @ 30Watts


FLV Cured Tobacco     0.75%FLV Red Burley     0.5%FLV Virginia Tobacco     1%SSA Nectarines     0.5%WF Peach Pie & Cream     3%

Total Flavor: 5.75%