Christmas In July


Are you ready to be transported to Christmas in July….??! Well,this is the recipe for you! Before we get started let me just say that I am over the moon with this recipe it’s definitely a banger!! Please don’t be scared of the 1% super sweet as it’s perfect for this recipe. We take a luscious scoop of vanilla ice cream, take a hammer to bag filled with peppermint candy cane’s and crush those puppies up to a course consistency and sprinkle them all over our ice cream. Finally we top it all off with melted white chocolate 🤤😍 You can mix this up and enjoy straight off the shake and you will find this mix gets better and better each day that passes. If you mix this or any of my other recipes please be so kind to leave a short review and rating for others to see. 💙


CAP Super Sweet     0.75%FLV White Chocolate     3%FW Candy Cane     3.5%LB White Chocolate Peppermint     5%OOO Marshmallow (Vanilla)     0.75%SSA Ice Cream Vanilla     2%VT Love     1%

Total Flavor: 16%