Mango Colada


A nice creamy tropical mix. Originally used Persian lime instead of fizzy sherbet at same percentage and was just trying to add a twist. Made this batch with fizzy sherbet because I can’t find the Persian lime in my mixing area. This needs a couple days to meld together. My favorite diy recipe is Hippy Vapes pineapple coconut custard so I used that recipe as sort of a base. The vanilla swirl, vanilla ice cream, coconut custard really are a great combo and reming me of a homemade whipped cream my mom used to make. The Mango really pushed this to a nice tropical vibe and you can’t go wrong with sugarloaf pineapple. I used polar blast for cooling but you could leave it out or use whatever coolant you prefer. Super sweet because it’s my preferred sweetener and I like fruity juices to be sweet.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FLV Ripe Mango     1.5%FLV Sweet Mango     1.5%FA Polar Blast     1%LB Vanilla Ice Cream     3%TPA Vanilla Swirl     1.5%VT Fizzy Sherbet     1%VT Sugarloaf Pineapple     2%WF Coconut Custard SC     2.25%

Total Flavor: 14.25%