CV Biscotti Cookie


I have another recipe identical to this one which I had shared previously. I could never exactly place the flavor but I knew it tasted delicious. Then some friends told me exactly what it tasted like and I thought "WOW" your right. This is a perfect Biscotti Cookie. I am deleting my original recipe in lieu of this one. If you tried the original, this is the same recipe. If you have not tried the original, now you know what you are going to taste if you mix this. It is an all FA recipe (except for the sweetener of course) and it is delicious. If you mix this, PLEASE give it a rating and let me know what you think of it. Happy Mixing and Happy Vaping!! CV :)


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FA Meringue     1%FA Shade     1.5%FA Soho     3%

Total Flavor: 6%