Arcade Cinnamix


Basically just a bunch of flavours that compliment each other very well and make for a light, sweet (but not too sweet) rich and delicious creamy all day shake and vape that steeps even better over time! It's also got a hint of cinnamon (Rich Cinnamon and Cinnamon Danish Swirl) and nuts (Acetyl Pyrazine) to add to the deserty goodness! I enjoy and I hope you all to try this and like it as well! Not to mention at only 6.05% total flavouring you're getting massive bang for your buck with this DIY recipe as it smacks! Can be used as shake and vape or let steep for 2 - 3 weeks with no ill effects. I cannot guarantee other flavourings other than the exact ones used in this recipe will garner the exact outcome but you can certainly try it if you want although I don't really recommend ever deviating from the original recipe unless you want a completely different flavour altogether.


CAP Butter Cream     0.2%CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl     0.3%CAP Sugar Cookie     0.25%CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FLV Rich Cinnamon     0.3%FA Cream Fresh     1.5%TPA Acetyl Pyrazine 5%     0.5%TPA Graham Cracker Clear     1.5%TPA Toasted Marshmallow     1%

Total Flavor: 6.05%