Custard Filled Flakey Pastry


I wanted to try some more pastries and a custard filled flakey pastry sounded like a good place to start. Zeppola is possibly my favorite fried dough flavor out there. It can be made to lean more donut or puffy pastry. In this case I paired it with WF Croissant and just a touch of WF Glazed Donut to mimic a flakey pastry. Flakey pastries always had a bit more of a buttery taste than a lot of other pastry styles to me. As such, I added just a touch of VT Butter Base to help it all taste a bit more authentic. TFA Vanilla Custard II and TFA Bavarian Cream make an excellent custard filling. I needed a sprinkle of powdered sugar so OoO PS worked quite nicely. Finally, FLV Sweetness upped the sugary taste just a bit. This is fairly good off the shake, surprisingly, but it really needs about a 4 to 7 day steep to really come alive. I'm really enjoying this one so far and I hope you do as well.


FLV Sweetness     0.25%FA Zeppola     2.75%OOO Powdered Sugar     1.25%TPA Bavarian Cream     2%TPA Vanilla Custard II     2.5%VT Butter Base     0.5%WF Croissant SC     1.75%WF Glazed Donut SC     1%

Total Flavor: 12%