

*This is not the best Cabin emulation in the world, this is just a (humble) tribute* Chalet is a play on one of the first "tobacco" recipes I mixed and loved: Cabin. It uses completely different flavours, but tries to stay close to the original, as a concept. Although it's mixer, @AlfredPudding, claims it is not a real tobacco recipe (and he is right), that recipe did help me ease into tobacco profiles. Chalet, like Cabin, is an almost abstract thing. Unlike Cabin, Chalet is not fall in a bottle, because it misses that apple cinnamon note. But it does have the same general idea: a spiced fruity thing with some tobacco notes. I would call this a harvest time vape, I guess. * FLV Horchata brings the spice and warmth * FLV Turkish Tobacco adds to that spice and adds some body (and is the tobacco part, of course) * TFA Blueberry (extra) supported by FA Bilberry make up the fruity part. This can be vaped off the shake, but it gets better after a week or two or even three. Link to the infamous Cabin recipe that inspired Chalet:


FLV Horchata     1%FLV Turkish Tobacco     1.25%FA Bilberry     0.75%TPA Blueberry (extra)     3%

Total Flavor: 6%