Caramel Apple Popcorn
Chefs Super Concentrate Apple (Toffee Apple) is a solid bright candied green apple hard candy, with some dark caramely/toffee notes.
Adding a touch of FLV caramel really helps things without going to far with it, since this is just a small layer of flavored sugar coating on the rest of the recipe.
I took Wolfwheeler's popcorn layer from Suguro Geto, his Black Licorice popcorn recipe, but tweaked it just a lil. Shoutout Wolfie.
I subbed out TPA Kettle Corn for CHF popcorn, and swapped JF biscuit for INW Sesame Sweets.
After 3 or 4 days this is a serious popcorn with a Caramel Apple glaze. The steep does help the balance.Recipe
CAP Super Sweet 0.5%CHF Apple (Toffee Apple) 2.5%CHF Popcorn 1%FLV Caramel 0.5%FLV Popcorn 1.5%FA Corn 0.25%INW Sesame Sweets 0.4%Total Flavor: 6.65%