Punkedelic Peach


Peach!!! with a Punk vibe. Built around my favorite peach combo at the moment... - WF Peach Pie & Cream as the base, backed by SSA Peach Sweet Type. - FA Pear for some added juiciness. - Cap Sweet Lychee & FA Blackcurrant add that Punk Rock energy... like riding buck naked on a Big Wheel (Ahh, feel the breeze). Overnight steep, I find it refreshingly sweet and quite addictive... more of a fresh peach flavor. 3 days steep, it gets a little more thick and jammy-like... almost like a Peach Jam.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%CAP Sweet Lychee     2%FA Blackcurrant     1%FA Pear     0.5%SSA Peach Sweet Type     2%WF Peach Pie & Cream     5%

Total Flavor: 11%