Grape Candy


Mixed this up while watching the latest diyordie inthemix podcast because sometimes Colton gets annoying lol. So whilst patiently waiting for Manson to make another funny I threw this together. I had some old flavorings laying around I had not touched for awhile, some even from my first diy order from Wizard labs a little over a year ago, and a new freebie thanks to chefs which was FW White Grape. When I smelled white grape I thought it could bring a great candy grape profile to the table. After diying now for over a year I've decided to hunker down and come up with recipes for my favorite old b and m mixes from my local area that always loved and were key in keeping me off the cigs. One of those was Purple Worm from a local b and m that was one of the first in my area. It is the delicious grape gummy candy flavor that pops with a birght candy grape with a wet, smooth and sweet background that leans heavily towards being a gummy. So that's what I was shooting for with this profile and though I quite terribly missed that profile it seems I may have nailed a grape jolly rancherish candy. The white grape was obvious since I wanted to try it out being it was new to me. CAP grape was what I settled on between TFA grape candy. These were the only other two grapes I had in my stash and CAP grape smelled and tasted way better than TFA's grape candy (that shit smells and tastes putrid by itself btw). I wanted a gummy candy profile and was about to go for FW Gummi candy but that flavor just misses the mark on gummy, sorry FW. I had some old CAP Blue raspberry cotton candy sitting around and I liked the profile it seemed to put forward. Plus, raspberries are a good pair to grape and blue ones shouldn't matter, right? So I pondered another pairing fruit for grape and strayed off to FW Razzleberry since it also had raspberry and could bring some sweet and tart to the table that could be interesting. So I went with it. It's a good flavor to me, but can come off a little chalky when used too high, but meh, this was a off the cuff mix involving zero prior thought. And that leaves the sweetener because damnit it's a candy recipe so...And I wanted it to wetten things up along with candying the shit out of the recipe. 1.5% was perfect for that. So yeah, mix it up if your bored and have this crap laying around. It may not be your next adv but it'll definitely make you think Grape Jolly Rancher.


CAP Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy     2%CAP Grape     2.5%FW Razzleberry     4%FW White Grape     5%TPA Sweetener     1.5%

Total Flavor: 15%