Pony'd Up Donut (Raspberry Orange)


An overstuffed, magical, sticky raspberry and orange jam filled donut. None other than the Pony'd Up Donut 🌈🦄🍩 **FA Doughnut Crispy, WF Glazed Donut, & CAP Custard Cake** - Makes up the base of the donut that sits in the background to the fruit-forward filling. **INW Shisha Raspberry & OOO Strawberry Jam** - Makes up the raspberry component of the filling. Raspberry is more syrupy so the jam gives it some stickiness. **VT Orange Marmalade** - Makes up the orange component of the filling. Exactly as it sounds, a sticky orange peel-forward marmalade that meshes really well with the raspberry. Has a very slight floral component to it which I think is interesting. -------------- Comes together best after about 3-4 days. In the first 2 days the raspberry is too far in the front. It really meshes together best after those first few days and I personally don't recommend shake n' vaping this. For a more powdered donut experience, feel free to add 1% OOO Powdered Sugar to top it off! If you'd like a different take on the filling, I do have a **strawberry and pineapple** variant that is also great. You can find it here: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/290827#pony_d_up_donut_strawberry_pineapple_by_dippindabbin


CAP Custard Cake     2.5%FW Sweetener     0.5%FA Doughnut Crispy     2%INW Shisha Raspberry     2%OOO Strawberry Jam     0.75%VT Orange Marmalade     1.75%WF Glazed Donut SC     2%

Total Flavor: 11.5%