Man Go Lassi


My take on a cool, mango lassi. A mango lassi is an Indian Dairy Smoothie, commonly made in summer to combat the heat. Here I used the INW and CAP mango mix to achieve a combination of ripe and slightly under-ripe mango, which gives a great base to the fruit portion of the mix. The combination at 2+3% gives sweetness, as well as an almost tart green mango bite, that pairs extremely well with the yogurt. The smoothie portion of the mix is achieved with the Creamy Yogurt at 6%. The CAP creamy is my favourite yogurt, just tart enough, but also hella creamy. The Sweet Cream at 3% helps the yogurt develop thickness, as well as raising the sweetness of the mix a tad. The Almond at only 0.3 adds more depth to the creams, as well as a slightly sweet layer and flavour. The Koolada at 0.5% imparts just enough effect to emulate the after effect of sipping on a smoothie. The cardamom is essential here, and helps tie everything together. It is not floral at 0.25%, but gives enough of a spice note that it compliments the mango and almond extremely well. Ive smashed through 100mL of this in the past week as a change to my usual sweeter mixes, and am digging it. It is not an overly sweet recipe (sweeteners would only detract from the true flavour of the Lassi IMO), but a great change from strawberry and bakery recipes......


CAP Creamy Yogurt     6%CAP Sweet Cream     3%CAP Sweet Mango     3%FW Kool Effects (koolada     0.5%FA Almond     0.3%FA Cardamom     0.25%INW Shisha Mango     2%

Total Flavor: 15.05%