Gratitude and Bananas #MWC #Giving Thanks


Thankful for many Blessings this Thanksgiving Holiday, Here I try to create a bridge from RY4 to Bananaflavor. A maple custard mix seemed to do the trick. Connecticut shade here to bend ry4 to a more coffee note … thus creating a Banofee effect to help the bridge and tweak the main note, a moist, sticky-sweet RY4 The Vanilla and Whipped cream are for mouthfeel and creaminess. FLAVOR PROFILE: I wanted to make a we,t sticky - sweet RY4 against a light Banana Cream back drop. I also want to bridge the flavors so that the sticky sweet RY4 seems to stem from or be a part or stage of the banana flavor, a more aged banana, yet with enough imaging to recognize it as a sweet RY4. Note: After a day or two steeping this stuff is delicious. . . . . . gotta say


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FLV Connecticut Shade     0.5%FA Custard Premium     2%FA Maple Syrup     0.9%INW Shisha Vanilla     0.5%SSA Whipped Cream     1%TPA Banana Cream     3.5%TPA Ry4 Double     6%VT Banana Custard     1.5%

Total Flavor: 16.4%