I've been vaping single flavors for a while now and the previous flavor I vaped was Inawera Cactus, just on a whim. I had previously been vaping Flavorah Wild Melon, pretty much exclusively. Yeah, I'm boring, I know. I remembered there used to be a thing about mixing them together, so I decided to mix this up.
The flavor profile is kind of abstract, which is where most of my recipes go. With the Cactus and Wild Melon as the stars, I wanted to mesh them somehow, so I thought maybe the Vanilla Pudding would be a decent base. It's different from what others have tried and it kind of works. It also seems to tame the cactus a bit, but doesn't make it too creamy. I felt like it needed something else too, so I mixed in the Strawberry Sweet to kind of pull away from the floral agave (yes they flower, once, then they die) profile I was smelling and maybe add a touch of sweetness. If you typically use a sweetener or prefer sweeter e-liquid, I think that would probably pep it up a notch, but I don't use sweeteners in my recipes. Image credit: Baby Centaur statue from the Smithsonian [because I plan to make a v2...].Recipe
FLV Vanilla Pudding 1%FLV Wild Melon 1.25%INW Cactus 1%JF Strawberry Sweet 2%Total Flavor: 5.25%