Caramel Apple Pie
Once again I make a recipe and it has lots of ingredients. Dont let that scare you. When I mix, I mix components, then I layer them in and mask the seams... .
This turned out to be a delicious apple pie covered in my latest attempt at a dark ,sweet, chewey caramel. I said attempt, in any case the pie is delicious and it has everything in there. Crust, delicious apple filling, and sweet caramel. I think you will enjiy this. Comments and critiques welcome.Recipe
CAP Super Sweet 0.75%FLV Apple Filling 1.35%FW Caramel Candy 5%FW Sweetener 0.75%FA Apple Pie 2%FA Butter 0.65%FA Carmel (caramel) 2%PUR Country Apple 3.5%TPA Acetyl Pyrazine 5% 1%TPA Brown Sugar 1%TPA Ethyl Vanillin 10% 1%Total Flavor: 19%