Shamrock Cookie Sad Boy Remix No. 2 in Gary Vapes DIY Top 5 of 2024
This was a mission of mine, I love the sadboy eliquids and had too have something similar to their Shamrock Cookie. So I've had a crack at it to me this is lovely, it's very close definitely not a clone but very nice. I've used @McDuckie their Cookie base from their butter cookie remix, its just spot on I couldn't wait for St Patrick's day to release this and a mint cookie says Christmas to me also.
So anyway this is a shamrock shake poured into a cookie mix and baked to perfection like @chasing84 I like my juice sweet and that extra quarter percent is a game changer for my recipes but feel free to adjust the sweetener to your liking.
Here is a review on YouTube Channel Gary Vapes\_5\_\_7QLgZrt
CAP Cool Mint 2%CAP Sugar Cookie 4%CAP Super Sweet 0.75%FW Creme De Menthe 1%INW Biscuit 1%TPA Meringue 1%TPA Peppermint 0.5%TPA Sweet Cream 2%Total Flavor: 12.25%