Wookiee Cookie II


Version II of Wookie Cookie 🥛🍪 https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/280703#wookiee_cookie_by_cam9535 A little fuller and creamier, and the cookies are separating better even without the INW biscuit imo with the addition of SSA. CAP SC up high as much as I love it I think was the culprit on blending everything a little too much A very dairy forward milk with some vanilla cookies dunked in. For when you're burnt out on the heavy vanilla, butters, and creams 🤝 FW Sweetener at .75% for me on this one I'd wait at least 3 days for the milk to settle.. should be banging at 7 max. God bless 🥛🍪 Decided to work on it and see if I could come with a v2. This is one I have worked on from the very beginning of my DIY adventure. I pretty much vaped 95% fruit flavors and enjoyed them exclusively before all of this. I never thought there could be vanilla notes and cheesecakes without cardboard or pepper. I damn sure never expected to enjoy vanilla cookies in milk over strawberry and watermelons. The OG was really just CAP Sugar Cookie and VC1 maxed out I think and it was one of the only sweet vapes I could vape outside of a nutty banana or cheesecake here and there, but I feel like if I would've handed myself this remix then- I would've bought a lot less strawberry flavorings when I started this and wouldn't have taken as long to come around to the greatness that is a dessert vape. Nothing flashy- just great milks and cookies doing their thing. A sweet vape that's not too heavy.


FLV Cream     1%FA Milk     1.5%FA Vanilla Cookie     2.5%OOO Cream Milky Undertone PG     1.5%SSA Shortbread Cookie     2%

Total Flavor: 8.5%