Blueberry Custard


Vanilla custard and custard premium lay the foundation for the custard. Instead of the usual bakery like sugar cookie or biscuit, I’ve chosen the new FA bb muffin. It’s a perfect bb muffin, the cake texture is wonderful with nice fresh baked bb flavor..but it can use a bit of a boost in the fruit department, and bb xtreme with its nice full body and flavor will help to add the rest of the bb. It’s really this simple. A full thick bodied bb custard without having to layer a bunch of bb’s or make it too complicated.


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FJ Ultimate Vanilla Custard     4%FA Blueberry Muffin     2.5%FA Custard Premium     1.5%VSO Blueberry Xtreme     0.5%

Total Flavor: 9%