Pistachio decadence


This is a super simple but really nice recipe. Basically all I did was found a recipe while checking flavour notes on ELR called “The Kennedy clone” by a Stevejay1that I have mixed a few times, and then when I finally picked up vanilla cookie I wanted to try it in a dark mix so now we have this. I consider it an adaptation but I guess it could be called an original recipe because it has nearly all new ingredients. and I am also convinced that “bakd pistachio by grim green is just the original that I adapted this recipe from. Things to consider trying next time. 50/50 pistachio and peanut. Adding brighter creams or tobacco


CAP Super Sweet     0.7%FA Custard Premium     3%FA Vanilla Cookie     3%TPA Caramel (original)     3%TPA Pistachio     4%

Total Flavor: 13.7%