Momma raised a quitter MTL


This is a great ry4 that myself and those X smokers around me enjoy very much. I mix this at 16mg hybrid salt/ freebase to gain a bit of a throat hit. Where I reside we can only get 20% per ml nicotine. Highly recommend 100mg per ml if its a option and going to 20mg. Im not able to acheive that with my current bases 50%pg 50%vg I was chasing a whole cigarette with this one. Vanilla Creamy notes on a strong Ry4 base. Followed up with a burnt cigarette from the cubanno. Can't recall the cubanno Tobacco I used. Or if it's FA vanilla Classic or possibly Moliberry. I will update when I make my next batch. Not much else to be said. Just a decent Tobacco vape that has been enjoyed greatly by me and mines figured I should share. It's helped many quit the tar and enjoy the " Momma raised a Quitter " My favorite mtl recipe this year 2023 Plz try. Let me know what u think. Steep 14 days min. Very important for best results . But is also decent as a shake n vape.


DFS Holy Holy Grail RY4 V2     6%FA Madagascar (Vanilla Classic)     1%FA Mts Vape Wizard     2%TPA Cubano Type     1.5%TPA Ry4 Double     3%TPA Tobacco     2%

Total Flavor: 15.5%