Green Troll


Woodruff with creamy vanilla custard. ATTENTION: Menthol is added to smoothen the woodruff a little bit. Be careful with the dosage. SSA Menthol is a 67% menthol solution in PG and is made from pure L-Menthol. I used a solutions of 10% (1ml Menthol plus 9ml PG) and added one drop of this per 10ml. In this dosage you do not taste the menthol and you do not want to. so be careful and better use a drop less. You can use any L-Menthol solution. dosage at your own risk. Do not use cheap menthol solutions from cheap crystalls. If in doubt, then you can just remove the menthol from the recipe. My Sucralose solution has 10% and i use this at 2%. Use sweetener according to your preference. FW Sweetener or FLV Sweetener recommended. CAP Super Sweet is probably not the right one. Steep time can be increased to 4-6 weeks easily. The vanilla would be ok after two weeks, but woodruff requires at least 3 weeks. powered by **[VAPICON Discord Server](**


CAP Vanilla Custard     2%FW Sweetener     0.5%INW Woodruff     4%SSA Bavarian Cream     2%SSA Menthol     0.02%

Total Flavor: 8.52%