

An English baked oat & golden syrup treat. (Similar to a Granola Bar in N Merica). I like the style that come with a layer of white/milk chocolate on top. So for either: Milk Choc = FLV Milk Choc - 0.2% & Cap Double Choc V2 - 1%. Or White Choc = Flv White Choc - 0.5%, WF White Choc (Milky Cream) - 1% & FW White Choc - .5% Designed for MTL POD devices.


CAP Golden Butter     4%FLV Sweetness     0.5%SSA Classic Oat Flakes     6%TPA Bavarian Cream     2%TPA Brown Sugar     0.25%TPA Marshmallow     1%VT Golden Syrup     8%VT Honeycomb     4%WF Crumble Topping SC     4%

Total Flavor: 29.75%