Spiny Dragon Strap-On
This recipe has *not* been entered in a contest: **DOD WORLD MIXERS II Round 4**
Thought about submitting this as my final entry into the DoD World Mixer's Comp because I heard those pervs were into this sort of thing. Decided against it because it's in poor taste, despite being a tasty recipe. Mix it up for a refreshing, interesting fruit medley.
Spiny: INW Cactus. If you're a Phucker Phan, you can turn up the Cactus to 0.5%. Maybe even higher. But if you do that, I recommend at least an overnight steep.
Dragon: TFA Dragonfruit. Tastes like what dragonfruit would taste like if dragonfruit tasted like the essence of white gummy bears.
**Str**awberry-**Ap**ple-Watermel**on**: All FA. I should change my name to HiC and charge for this stuff. Recipe
FA Apple Fuji 2%FA Red Summer (watermelon) 3%FA Red Touch (strawberry) 3%INW Cactus 0.25%TPA Dragonfruit 2%Total Flavor: 10.25%