Raspberry Rippled


light cream with raspberry ripples This is from my Blackberry Bliss recipe: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/280431 Which is derived from one of my favorite mixers mlNikon's recipes: https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/224318#mlnikon_s_stb_trifle_by_mixinvixens The cream base is one of my all time favorites. I wanted something with raspberry but not exactly a custard and it came to mind. FA, SSA, and INW for some of the greatest raspberries .5% CAP SS for me on this one good off the shake should be best at 5 days God bless ⚡🍨


FA Berryl (raspberry)     1%INW Raspberry     0.5%OOO Marshmallow (Vanilla)     0.5%SSA Raspberry Syrup     1.5%SSA Whipped Cream     1%VT Sweet Cream     1.5%WF Vanilla Cream Extra SC     1.5%

Total Flavor: 7.5%