Yogurt Grape and Pitaya 🤔


The addition of INW Dragon Fruit - Pitaya adds a more complex and exotic fruit flavor to the recipe, which blends well with WF Grape Juice SC Grape Flavor and FW Grape Soda. CAP's Greek Yogurt and SSA's Sweet Yogurt is added to enhance the overall creaminess and sweetness of the recipe, while FLV's Sweet Cream adds a subtle cream flavor. CAP's Super Sweet percentage is kept relatively low to avoid a sweet taste. vanilla swirl gives the final touch to the recipe bringing a subtle touch of vanilla.


CAP Greek Yogurt     3%CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FLV Sweet Cream     0.5%FW Grape Soda     2%INW Dragon Fruit - Pitaya     2.5%SSA Sweet Yogurt     1.5%TPA Vanilla Swirl     1%WF Grape Juice SC     3.75%

Total Flavor: 14.75%