Orange Fizzed Me Up V2


Looking fora nice fizzy orange sherbet drink with a wee touvch of ice. This is my first go at a sherbet juice so very keen to see how it works out. I dropped the orange creamsicle as I dont believe it added to the recipe. I upped the Tangy Orange and the Fizzy Sherbet to give it more impact. V3 I dropped the Orange Sherbet and brought in VSO Blood OIrange. I upped the Fizzy Sherbet and dropped the ice. I also added Supersweet. This version is an experiment to see what happens with the various changes


CAP Fizz Pop     1%CAP Super Sweet     0.25%CAP Tangy Orange     5%VT Fizzy Sherbet     3%VSO Blood Orange     1%

Total Flavor: 10.25%