Orange-Ginger Honey Cream(Hints of Juniper/Prickly Pear)


WORK IN PROGRESS DISGUSTING AT FIRST BATCH. DROP THE HONEY AND USE A PROPER ORANGE FLAVOR. DON'T TRY TO WING IT LIKE ME, FOLKS. Orangey**, Piney, Gingery Bavarian Cream, Hint of Honey Hint of Prickly Pear/Cactus **ATF doesn't allow flavors not in the database to be shared, so my Orange flavor is not accurate. I have used pure D-Limonene(food grade) in place of "Orange Citrus". Terpenes are used in lots of flavors, just gotta use tiny amounts when mixing undiluted.** Steep for 1 week at least, best after 2-3 weeks. Seriously, creams and custard flavors taste so much better when steeped for a while! Don't believe me? Mix this up and vape a tank worth over a few days and take notes. Then repeat at 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks. You'll be amazed at how much more complex and rich the flavor becomes! STEEP IT :)


CAP Sweet Cream     2%FLV Juniper Gin     0.75%FLV Orange Citrus     1%FW Bavarian Cream     2%INW Cactus     0.04%INW Prickly Pear     0.06%LA Strawberry     0.3%NF Ginger     1%PUR Super Sweet     0.1%TPA Dx Bavarian Cream     3%

Total Flavor: 10.25%