Crazberry Crack


This was an idea I have to give [ID10-T]( credit for. Back in November, he mentioned his brother bringing a dessert to Christmas every year. Which consisted of raw cranberries covered in molten hot white chocolate and then cooled. This is appropriately called Cranberry Crack. Well, while ID10-T was busy mowing down some competition in the mixer contests, I was still salivating at the thought of this. So I decided to build a recipe around that concept. It was only after a couple versions that I realized that I wanted to take a little different approach. While I never have tried this Cranberry Crack, I knew raspberries and white chocolate are amazing together. So why not add them to the mix. I thought this was going to be pretty easy and straight forward. But quickly discovered that balancing the white chocolate with the fruits, would prove to be challenging. **FLV/FW White Chocolate** - *MF White Chocolate I still feel is one the best. But, for the life of me, couldn't get it to work in this. I probably could've made a dilution and maybe make it work, but I moved on. I'm not that big of a fan of TFA's offering, so knew that was out. That left me with the only other one I had, which was FW. I really like their version. It's creamy, buttery and has a nice little vanilla note to it. I originally had this at 3% and was going to be the only WC in this recipe. Then, with a big shout out to Brendon, in came a big box of flavors from Flavorah. Well, white chocolate was the first one I reached for. This did not disappoint. Very rich with a heavy cream. Not sure I was picking up as much vanilla as FW, but this was delicious. I had to have this under 1%, to keep it from bogging down the other flavors. I kept FW in this but just dialed it back a little.* **INW Shisha Vanilla** - *By far, one of the best and most versatile vanillas in my arsenal. This is pulling double duty here. It brings just a touch more vanilla and adds bit of creaminess to the white chocolate.* **FLV Cranberry/FA Pom** - *This got a little tricky. FLV's version is very much like OceanSpray Cranberry juice. Not as tart as you would expect for a cranberry. But, imo, is the best authentic (as apposed to candy-like) offering. Not one of their stronger flavors. I found I had to keep raising the % to hold up to the creams. My goal was to try to bend this into a regular cranberry, instead of a juice. TFA's version wasn't bad but just seemed like a unsweetened juice. CAP's Cranberry was just not that good. But FA Pomegranate had that tartness and has a thickness, I was looking for. It gave the cranberry a sort of cooked feel to it. I just needed to keep it low enough that none of those floral notes would shine through.* **FA Raspberry/INW Shisha Raspberry** - *While I knew I wanted FA all along, Shisha worked surprisingly well with it. I find FA to be one of the best. It's realistic but doesn't carry much tartness. Almost like a cooked raspberry with some sugar. Has some floral and maybe earthy undertones. INW Shisha almost has the same notes. With some earthiness and kind of floral accents, but in a completely different way (if that makes any sense at all). INW has a bit more of the tartness that you would expect from a raspberry.* **Steep Time :** 7- 10 days


FLV Cranberry     3%FLV White Chocolate     1%FW White Chocolate     1.5%FA Berryl (raspberry)     2%FA Pomegranate     0.75%INW Shisha Raspberry     1.5%INW Shisha Vanilla     0.5%

Total Flavor: 10.25%