The Quack (My take on Grack Juice by Philosaphucker)
So i love the original Grack Juice by Philosaphucker but i was playing around and found that if a tweaked the flavors a smidge and changed the main profile I stumbled on something i think is more balanced and more delish. I changed the main profile to Sweet Guava, added a slightly more Cactus and raspberry, I definitely needed a bit more koolada baby!
If you like Grack juice you have to try this.. Recipe
CAP Sweet Guava 4%CAP Sweet Strawberry 1.5%FA Meringue 1%INW Cactus 2.5%INW Raspberry 1%TPA Dragonfruit 1%TPA Koolada 10 Pg 1%Total Flavor: 12%