Blow my Strap-On


Changing up Id10t's Strap-on, I wanted to go with something that wouldn't change the whole profile overall, even though I started with something that did, I went back and decided to make it into a bubblegum flavor! It's a subtle change, but definitely gives you that classic bubble gum taste accompanied by the fruits. I was going to drop down the Bubble Gum to 1.5 as it's strong shake and vape, but after around 3-4 days the flavor seems to fall off and take it's place in the mix. Not too far off from the original, just more of a bubble gum take on it.


FA Apple Fuji     2%FA Red Summer (watermelon)     3%FA Red Touch (strawberry)     3%INW Bubble Gum (yc)     2%

Total Flavor: 10%