

A blooming mildly strawberry mix with a hint of bright citrus, Recipe Notes: FA Bilberry - This is the same percentage used in my blueberry trinity base. Its used to bring some fleshy fruit and a bit of tartness into the mix. INW Cactus - Using this at the lowest possible amount in order to use its properties (wet, juicy and bright) instead of that cactus flavor that can sometimes overpower a mix without a few days steep. TPA Hibiscus - This is the floral I just happen to have on hand so this is what I wanted to work with. Multiple notes on ELR reference it easily overpowering a mix or becoming perfumey, but after multiple tests I'm finding the other flavors in a mix burying it. Either that or it transforms the flavor into something I was not looking for. Here at 3%, it makes the mix "bloom" into something that immediately makes me think of standing in a field of ripe strawberries and wildflowers, with a slight spring breeze blowing through. INW Lemon Mix - This is a very neat flavor. I'm just beginning to experiment with it. Its a like mix of fresh lemons and grapefruit rind. You definitely have to take into account the grapefruit. Using this in a recipe that is based around a Lemon profile does not always work. Sometimes I even seem to get a biting mint flavor out of it. I'm using this at a low enough percentage to bring both of those into the mix without killing it, which can happen with INW flavors. FA Red Touch - Another flavor that I have recently found to have its perfect place here (Thanks to Strap-On ala u/ID10-T). Its a fresh strawberry, and depending on the recipe, I enjoy it better than TFA Strawberry Ripe.


FA Bilberry     0.5%FA Red Touch (strawberry)     1.5%INW Cactus     0.25%INW Lemon Mix     0.35%TPA Hibiscus     3%

Total Flavor: 5.6%