"The Collective"(Pistachio Maryjane Custard)


**"The Collective"** *Based on the sexiest Borg in the Delta Quadrant, I introduce a dark and addictive eliquid that brings order to chaos---"The Collective". Part 3 in my Seven Of Nine/Borg Trilogy.* **Description:** *This recipe is an assimilation of really oddball & unique flavors. I mean, who the hell would make a Maryjane-Pistachio Custard? Good fresh out of the gate, but of course it begins to shine after a week or more. Personally, I prefer it fresh(weird, I know!)!* **Data:** *My choice of TFA Mary Jane is obvious, and a mere 2% plays very well with the other ingredients. Any more than 2% and I'm feeling like I'm vaping Scotch TapeĀ® flavored eliquid.* *I still felt as though the Mary Jane needed a counter-balance in order to become 'fuller'/more authentic tasting. And TFA RY4 Double performed the task perfectly. This is not an RY4 mix by any means, so I kept the percentage at 2.5%.* *Again, another obvious player here is TFA Pistachio. In combination with the RY4 & Mary Jane it brings out an almost "ashy" though nutty flavor. And I just love TFAs version of pistachio above all others.* *JF Dulce De Leche & CAP Vanilla Custard v1 obviously provide a nice thick custard base. At 5%, the custard's egginess is restrained somewhat and doesn't "bogart" the entire mix!* *CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl at 0.5% adds a bit of depth to TFA's Mary Jane. It's a clever magician that can perform a pretty cool disappearing act at wattages around 45-55. Increase wattage to 63 or higher and the cinnamon comes out more, but only as a supporting flavoring.* *Armpit steeped for 1 hour for perfection hehe* **Star Trek: Voyager & all its' characters are the sole property of Paramount. No profit has been made on this recipe.** **Do not take it upon yourself to copy and publish this recipe over to ELR. THIS ACTION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.** Respect mixers, they are not your ticket to success...They are your friends. #EJUICEMAKERS


CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl     0.5%CAP Vanilla Custard     5%JF Dulce De Leche     1%TPA Mary Jane     2%TPA Pistachio     2%TPA Ry4 Double     2.5%

Total Flavor: 13%