Bananza Shake Remix


This was the first Premiun banana milkshake I had that actually tasted like one. I thought it was amazing at the time. Revisiting it, I decided that the two main flavours were TFA Banana and TFA VBIC, followed by a metric fuck-tonne of sucralose. Honestly this juice could just be 10% Banana, 4% VBIC and 1% Sucralose. I can't be certain but that would be my guess. But anyway we can keep the essence of it and tweak/improve it without going overboard with extra flavourings/complications. TFA Banana is the main note so I used a substantial amount and gave it a little Banana Cream to stop it from being too linear. TFA VBIC is the main Cream used, smooth and creamy with a vanilla kick. A little TFA Dairy Milk to add to the milkshake and keep it from getting too heavy. Lastly TFA Cheesecake (GC) just enough to thicken, not enough to turn it to into a malted milk. And don't forget that Sucralose! Enough to be somewhat sweet, can be dropped a little but it is necessary to capture the essence of the original. The original reminded me of a McDonalds milkshake, pretty straightforward and linear. I started this cloning process a couple of months ago, trying to make it too complicated, trying endless combinations and in the end it boiled down to two flavourings really. The extra flavourings just round it out, it is very close to 1-1. Let me know what you think if you mix it!


CAP Super Sweet     0.5%TPA Banana     7%TPA Banana Cream     1%TPA Cheesecake (graham Crust)     1%TPA Dairy/Milk     1%TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     2.5%

Total Flavor: 13%