Holy Horchata


THE Horchata- A silky blend of light creams, rice milk, cinnamon and vanilla that will satisfy even the most discerning lovers of "MexiMilk". In shake and vape fashion none the less! I live in an area with one of the highest densities of hispanics per capita in the US... In Tennessee. In the mountains. It surprised me too! Well, the good 'ol boys told me about "MexiMilk", a regional colloquialism referring to horchata. And just like the first time I tried rock, I was hooked! The base CAP Horchata/FW VBIC/CAP Sweet Cream---I was looking for light and sweet, and when it comes to VBIC, FW wins that title in my eyes. However, it could use the extra sweetness and silky mouthfeel that CAP Sweet Cream can bring. Also, these don't take a month to steep like so many other options, which brings me to the star of the show...CAP Horchata. It's the perfect balance of rice milk to cream, easy on the cinnamon, and great fresh or aged. It's far better than any build-it-from-scratch horchata I've tried to make. The accouterments Holy Vanilla- What can I say that hasn't been said about HV, except... I use it in my actual horchatas! In vapor form, it really bridges the gap between the creams, and seems to be able to take 2 disparate ingredients and make them taste as one. While there is no real disparity to quench here, it makes the entire vape seem so much more consistent. FW Hazelnut- Originally this recipe started with TPA Malted Milk, but excluding that and adding the Hazelnut formed a much richer, "malty" cream base. Also, I feel it acts like a very small amount of Saline in a recipe- salinity brings out inherent sweetness, FLV Rich Cinnamon-Duh, just duh. 1 drop per 15ml. TPA Sweetner-Optional, but I put 2 small drops per 15ml, just enough to barely notice it. I like the 50/50 bleand of EM and Succulose here, as opposed to one or the other. Now let's face it, all recipes change over time. However, my main goal was a silky, creamy vape that tastes good on day 1. After 3 days, it's matured quite well, and at a week, well, fuckin a mate! Enjoy, Hombré! (and Hombreses? idk)


CAP Horchata     4%CAP Sweet Cream     2%DFS Holy Vanilla     1%FLV Rich Cinnamon     0.1%FW Hazelnut     1%FW Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     3%TPA Sweetener     0.25%

Total Flavor: 11.35%