Strawberry Cream Churro


The greatest part of DIY is being able to design a recipe exactly how you want it. This is the naked version of a strawberry cream churro. Zeppola was all the rave when it first came out. By itself, it gives you a fried dough that serves to bring on the churro taste. Some people have suggested using waffle to give it a little more of an oily taste, but I think the perfect churro is made to be a little more light and fluffy, hence the zeppola. To move the zeppola away from the typically known donut taste, we had to give it a little something. Enter biscuit. Biscuit adds a buttery note here and does just enough to move zeppola along to a happy place. Brown Sugar is here to take the place of the typical cinnamon sugar coating found on churros. I added it for the darkened sugar taste because frankly, I'm just not a fan of cinnamon in a recipe. My version and why I call it "naked". If you want to up the brown sugar to 1% or 1.5%, go for it. If you still want the cinnamon undertone, then keep the brown sugar at .5% and add .5% of Cinnamon Danish Swirl. Strawberry Sweet JF is meant to hold on to the strawberry taste even through the steeping process. I did not want it to fade, so this was the choice. I was not looking for the most authentic of strawberry tastes, but a maintenance of sweetness. Remember folks, these things are sold on the streets from Mexico through South America, and there is a strawberry syrup filling inside, so you will not find authentic freshly sliced strawberry taste here. Not what I was going for. Bavarian Cream buttery and sweet, and adding just the right amount of vanilla. Matches up well with the Strawberry Sweet. As I said, this naked strawberry cream churro can be spun to your liking, but you just got the how and why for my tastes. The adds to experiment with are a little more brown sugar, and cinnamon danish swirl. Give it a 4 day steep folks. That is noted below, but I do not want people to miss this as it does taste different as a shake and vape. Happy Mixing


FA Zeppola     3%INW Biscuit     2%JF Strawberry Sweet     4%TPA Bavarian Cream     1.5%TPA Brown Sugar     0.5%

Total Flavor: 11%