The Best Damn Matty's Transition


"Some fruity shit for Matty AKA Yungdiabetes AKA Stabby AKA 12YearOldKiddo." Surprisingly, Matty did give me some inspiration for this recipe. I have been solely vaping through all my old mixes because I just have not wanted to mix or do anything really since starting my new job. Very sleepy all the time and shit. But Matty is a new mixer and was talking about how he really likes candy/fruit vapes more than anything, and I took that as an opportunity to get out of the routine I was in of just vaping Sadlad Toast Crunch, Drunken Pears, and any number of the shitty one-shot mixes at a ______ and Cream recipe. Matty's Transition is just a straight up fruit mix. Nothing stands out all that much, instead, you just get a pleasant burst of sweet and tart fruit on the inhale, with an overall refreshing exhale that is perfect for the incoming beautiful weather. FA Apricot - since root_kit, I have been absolutely in love with FA Apricot, yes, Armenia is just plain old FA Apricot, but most people probably have it as Apricot because they didn't buy it directly from FlavourArt. Anyway, moving on. This concentrate is one of the best fruits you could own. It's potent, accurate, and the best replacement to Peach I've found. It's not the SAME as peach, but when TPA Juicy Peach, FA Peach, and nearly any peach flavour on the market feels like you just deep-throated a cucumber wrapped in sandpaper and razorblades, FA Apricot is the saving grace. At 2%, it's at it's sweet spot. FA Pear / TPA Pear - when I revisited Drunken Pears, I found the beauty that is TPA Pear. If you like pears, that is a necessity. It's very potent, so you only need a little bit, but it's the most accurate pear note I've found. Coupled with FA Pear, we end up with a pleasant pear flavour that is sweet and candied, but still reminiscent of biting into a ripe, juicy pear. JF Fuji - in here to add a little something extra to the other fruits. By using JF Fuji, there's an extra punch of tartness. I used JF in place of FA for this application because I've found JF Fuji to be a little bit more balanced. FA Fuji is perfect for when you want that bright apple note to be at the forefront, but JF's version tends to emulsify a bit better and sit more subdued in the recipes. In here, it just works beautifully. FA Lemon Sicily - you already know. Just a splash of this shit in a fruit mix pushes the goddamn thing to the next level. It brightens up the apricot, adds a punch to the pears, and overall just adds an extra layer of depth to the recipe as a whole. Throughout the inhale, you notice this touch of lemon zest that is not really obvious, but most certainly beneficial. Lemon Sicily is a must have for your fruit recipes. Keep it below 1%, and you'll only impart the emulsifying and flavour enhancing benefits, without too much of the lemon flavour itself. Koolada - to taste. I use about 0.75 - 1% Koolada in here and it works great. But you know me, I fucking love that shit. I always find Koolada to benefit a fruit mix, but again, use your own discretion.


FA Armenia (apricot)     2%FA Lemon Sicily     0.75%FA Pear     3%JF Fuji     1.25%TPA Pear     0.5%

Total Flavor: 7.5%