Blackberry Blues


So this is a recipe I've been playing with for the last month or so... Personally I'm not huge on many yogurt flavors I've tried in the past, they are either way to strong on the fruit and the yogurt is no existent or the fruit gets hidden behind the yogurt which who ever wants that to happen right? Well luckily for us its DIY for a reason we can create recipes that suit our needs or wants, notes are down below. Feel free to leave any feedback or general comments or let me know what you would change for your personal preference. The Berry- FW Blueberry, in my opinion is one of the best blueberries I've tried and it always seems to pair nice with creams and bakeries so I knew this was the one I wanted to use here because it holds up in a steep and it taste good right away so its a win win. FA Bilberry, This is just a special flavor its powerful and such a deep flavor that it can really just lift or finish so many flavors but when used with other blueberries or dark fruits it just seems to make them more present and up front instead of hiding in the back. FW Blackberry, this is another similar situation where I think its just the best blackberry at least in this profile, you can tell its a blackberry it doesn't get lost or have a off floral taste to it and when its put against the blueberry combo it holds up and lets you know its there. The Yogurt- TFA Greek yogurt, Now this is a flavor that some people like and some people would rather go with Capella and personally I like both. I'm sure that if you use Capella in here you will like it if its your choice of yogurts and I almost did but I decided to layer this one another one because it just has a nicer tart flavor on the back end of it in my opinion. Capella Greek Yogurt, AKA the other one. This was my choice at 1% to throw in and layer with the TFA Greek, the reason I did this is because while I like the flavor and that tangy bite TFA has it can be a bit much after a while specifically if your vaping it all day and what Capella does is comes in and smooths and rounds out the TFA just enough to knock down that tang just enough so it doesn't get annoying if you vape this all day and it also just brings more weight and cream to the yogurt The Extra-Fw Graham Cracker, now this I added just to give the overall recipe a little more mouth feel, weight, texture, and who doesn't love graham cracker. This is not a must if you just want a regular fruit yogurt feel free to leave it out or sub with TFA Graham Cracker Clear. I didn't go with GGC because I Felt it just had too much of a GC pie crust flavor which you may like and it works in alot of things but here i didn't want the confusion of is it a yogurt? Is it a pie? WTF is it? so this one is up to you guys leave it out change it do whatever you think you will like. Capella Super Sweet, this ones pretty obvious you can leave it out if you like or bump it up I just like my juice with a hint of sweetener in it and it does kind of help bring everything together in my opinion. Thanks for looking mix it up, comment, critique, do your thing. This recipe isn't perfect for everyone but I hope some of you enjoy it or use it as a reference when you decide to make a new yogurt or first yogurt even.


CAP Creamy Yogurt     1%CAP Super Sweet     0.5%FW Blackberry     3%FW Blueberry     2.75%FW Graham Cracker     2%FA Bilberry     0.25%TPA Greek Yogurt     4%

Total Flavor: 13.5%