Autumn Sunset v2


I loved this recipe and wanted to tinker with it outside of the constraints of a contest. As much as I enjoyed it with CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl, FLV is the King of cinnamons so I wanted to introduce some of them to this pairing. Initially I went with Rich Cinnamon, which was good but balancing it was quite difficult. I had also tried FLV Red Apple in here as I would have liked a darker and softer apple with the Cavendish and Fig. Upon smelling FLV's Apple Filling, it immediately struck me as a blend of Rich Cinnamon and Red Apple; while this does seem to be the case, the balance on the two is incredible, making this task easy. With a softer rounder apple, the Strawberry ripe becomes less of a necessity to soften the edges of the recipe, and with the cinnamon in Apple Filling being less invasive than Cinnamon Danish Swirl, the Strawberry flavor is more pronounced as well. [Just a revisit of one of my favorites]( Hope you enjoy as much as I do!


FLV Alpine Strawberry     0.75%FLV Apple Filling     1.25%FLV Cavendish     1.25%FLV Fig     0.75%

Total Flavor: 4%