fig in the city


fig's all grown up! fig smokes cigarettes with his friends and stays up too late! fig didn't finish college because he started working in the service industry and just partied all the time instead of going to classes! fig ends up working in an office cubicle surrounded by people he hates who he's sure make more money than he does! fig questions his own existence and writes sad poetry! fig doesn't sleep well anymore! so. this is a fig tobacco that's got a nice roastyness to it and a sweet mouthfeel. flv's cured tobacco is really great, it boosts the soho and adds depth. soho is clearly a favorite of mine, it has a caramelly, better-than-ry4 vibe to it, and meshes really well with other tobaccos. cap's fig is dark and sweet and has a stone fruit/dark berry note that pairs beautifully with tobacco- it's a lovely, earthy combo. if you like tobaccos, you'll like this. this is my V2 and i feel like it's mostly done. if i change anything it might be to boost the nuttyness in some way but i'm unsure if it's even necessary- this is great as it is.


CAP Fig     2%FLV Cured Tobacco     0.5%FA Soho     2.5%TPA Toasted Marshmallow     1.5%

Total Flavor: 6.5%