Juicy Down Under


I know it might seem like low amounts for the FLV flavors, however, when compared to the flavor of the CAP Yellow Cake, if they are much higher they would overpower the cake and there would be no perception of it whatsoever. I did try an exact version of this with 3% JF Yellow Cake (all the rest of the recipe exactly the same) however I did not feel that JF yellow cake quite hit the mark on replicating the aromas experienced when actually eating a piece of pineapple upside down cake. Cap yellow cake is a little more bland of a flavor which represents the actual cake part which is not the main aroma of the experience of eating the real food. In experiencing the real food the pineapple and the glaze is really the star of the show, the cake playing back up to that (pretty much just the vehicle to get the pineapple and glaze to your mouth) and the cherries dance just along the edge of perception adding a slight sweet twinge of their almondy, vanilla, cherry notes mingled in with the overwhelming pineapple. In previous attempts I have tried using both butterscotch and caramel coupled with the liquid amber in order to create the glaze effect, but it wasn't until I got the INW Creme Brulee did I find the perfect match for that sweet glazed taste. The Creme Brulee is caramely just enough to add the baked effect, but also slightly creamy to not overwhelm the mix with too much caramel. I used FLV Sweetness as it is the only sweetener I can vape. If you are partial to sucralose as a sweetener and want to have this recipe a bit sweeter, my suggestions on amounts of the different sweetener brands are as follows: 1.75% TFA Sweetener (for mildly sweetened) 3% (for significant sweetness.) - 1% FW Sweetener - or 0.75% CAP Super Sweet. I prefer the FLV Sweetness as it doesn't over sweeten the juice but provides just enough sweetness to mimic the glaze and cooked pineapple. For More Mixing Tips and Info Visit my Site and Youtube Channel: http://flavor-pro.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6gV-5vxieuG2_TcIKpYCg photo credit: houseofthailand.com eat your upside down cake via photopin (license)


CAP Yellow Cake     3.45%FLV Jackfruit     0.4%FLV Pineapple     0.23%FLV Rainier Cherry     0.4%FLV Sweetness     0.35%FA Cherry (Cerise)     0.2%FA Liquid Amber     0.21%INW Creme Brulee (yc)     0.45%

Total Flavor: 5.69%