Lime Longing (A Longing Remix)


A slight variation on ID10T's longing. I made this for myself just out of simple curiosity and because I wanted to see what florida key lime did in a mix. Surprisingly this ended up being too good not to share. I find myself (a person who almost never has an all day vape) vaping this literally all day long. FA Florida Key Lime brings some delightful top note acid into the mix and fuses with the honeysuckle to make one complete and interesting top note. This simple addition completely changes the recipe up in a new and interesting way! It is used a little high because the flavor fades; however because we use it high, it fades to the perfect amount. TFA Honeysuckle infuses the cream flavors with a delicate floral perfume. It’s carefully balanced at 3% to work as a shake-and-vape recipe here. Any higher would be overdoing it – we want the just the sillage of this summery fragrance, nature’s magnet for birds and bees, left behind after steeping in the ice cream base. Failing to strain out the flowers themselves would spoil this elegant dessert. INW Shisha Vanilla brings a sweet, creamy vanilla, very reminiscent of a homemade, non-custard vanilla ice cream. This could almost be a two-ingredient recipe with just these two flavors, but some additional creams pick up where Shisha Vanilla leaves off. TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream is a tricky but essential addition. It’s tricky because it has something we don’t want, those custard notes, as this is an egg-free, AKA Philadelphia-style or American-style ice cream. Used low enough with these other ingredients, eggs can be avoided while still providing what we do want – that dense body and luxurious mouthfeel of churned heavy cream. that Shisha Vanilla doesn’t have enough of, and a more robust, truly vanilla bean flavor as opposed to Shisha Vanilla’s flavor that sits somewhere between extract and bean. FLV Cream adds more neutral creamy body to the mix and binds and blends the honeysuckle, vanilla, and creams together. It enhances the heavy milk taste of Cream Fresh as well, but alone, it lacks enough dairy flavor to complete the milk and cream mix used to make this ice cream. FA Cream Fresh brings the milk, but too much of it seems to react poorly to Honeysuckle in souring way, as if the ice cream had been made with milk that was a day or two past its sell-by date. To complete this ode to longing, Cream Fresh and FLV Cream need each other.


FLV Cream     1%FA Cream Fresh     1%FA Florida Key Lime     2%INW Shisha Vanilla     1%TPA Honeysuckle (pg)     3%TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream     1.5%

Total Flavor: 9.5%