Croissant aux Amandes


Croissant aux Amandes (Almond Croissant) After 25 iterations, this was the closest i've been able to get. It's been my "White Whale" since I started mixing about a year ago. This recipe is delicious and has been since #5, but was always missing something. NOTES: FA Almond / INW Marzipan / TPA Pistachio This combination is there to form the Almond, The Marzipan plays two parts, it boosts the almond as well as plays as the backbone as the marzipan filling. The Pistachio is there to hopefully add a bit more nuttiness to the Almond as well as help replicate the slithered almonds found on top. FA Meringue The Meringue is here to add a bit of powdered sugar on top, TPA Pie Crust / INW Biscuit / CAP Cereal 27 / FA Zepolla / TPA Butter The is the nucleus of the recipe, they bring it all together to form a nice, buttery croissant. The Zepolla creates a nice cake bass, adding the Cereal 27 adds a bit of a cooked quality along with some nice texture. Pie Crust, Biscuit, and Butter brings the fluffiness down and adds the pastry texture and taste of a croissant. INW Marzipan / FLV Butterscotch / CAP Vanilla Custard Mixing these creates a decadent Marzipan filling, By no means is this a shake and vape, needs at least a 5 day steep...but the longer the better. Let me know what you think! I always welcome constructive criticism.


CAP Cereal 27     2%CAP Vanilla Custard     2%FLV Butterscotch     1%FA Almond     2%FA Meringue     1%FA Zeppola     2%INW Biscuit     0.75%INW Marzipan     0.75%TPA Butter     0.25%TPA Pie Crust     1.25%TPA Pistachio     1%

Total Flavor: 14%